Our Vision

Loving in the margins.


We believe that Jesus still holds the answers to the brokenness we find ourselves in.

Sadly, trends are showing that most young people don’t find church to be a relevant part of their daily lifestyle, which means that they are looking to friends, celebrities, and online self-help to find solutions to the questions and chaos they feel bombarded with on a day-to-day basis.

As we have begun to engage students in the community, we’ve found that although they have very little interest in attending a “Church” service, young people are very much open to conversations about Jesus. We have also found that many young people lack the transportation necessary to attend Jesus-centered gatherings.

Thus, it is our vision to take Jesus beyond the church, and into the streets, parks, schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods of our cities.

Our desire is to make Jesus accessible to every young person, and to have Jesus-centered communities in walking distance of every young person in our region.

Most of the ministry that Jesus did throughout the gospels was done in the streets, in homes, and in the communities, and we believe that His style of ministry is still the most effective today.

Many of the people Jesus reached out to were social outcasts, prostitutes, tax collectors, lepers, the blind, the lame, the sick, the sinners.

Jesus came to seek and to save the lost... -The outliers.


Emily Zimmerman
Executive Director, Outliers


Sharing Jesus at the beach