Weekly Mentoring

Becoming a part of God’s family.


Many young people we encounter have one or less biological parent in their home, and often lack the role models they need.

Our gatherings are designed to create a family environment, centered around Jesus. Students pray for each other, and share life updates together in a group setting. Their group mentor helps bring guidance and clarity to some of the difficult circumstances they are facing.

We have seen students grow in maturity and some have become student leaders. Several have gone from failing all their classes in school, to getting straight A’s, we have heard from parents that attitude issues at home have shifted and gotten better, and we have seen them go from not really caring about God, to opening up their hearts and getting excited about knowing Him more.

Some of them who got baptized wrote about some of the changes in their life:

“I stopped using illegal substances. I am no longer disrespectful. I am a very kind person and my attitude at home has changed as I now help my mom and I no longer yell at her.”

“I used to think I was useless, not loved, also that I was a nobody.. Since coming it has changed my outlook on life, Jesus has taken me under his wings.”

“I want to get baptized because I regret every little thing I did that was bad. I’ve fought a lot of people and I regret it.”

Psalm 68:6 says that God sets the lonely in families.

That’s what our gatherings are about. Creating a family environment for so many who have never been a part of a healthy family, and providing spiritual moms and dads to mentor young people who are motherless or fatherless.

Almost every week, our crew wants to sing the song “Reckless Love” because it's about leaving the 99 to find the 1.

Everyone knows what it feels like to be the 1.

The outlier.

And that’s why it feels so good when we become a part of God’s family.


From Outlier to Family Building memories together